Personal, social and health education
Student Self-Evaluation Pack (End of Term, End of Year, End of Lesson)
We can judge, assess and assume to know our students but do we really?
These Self-Evaluation templates will allow you to see exactly where a student thinks they are in relation to lessons, subjects and overall achievement.
This pack contains over 15 printables for student self-evaluation.
-End of Year Target Goals for following year
-End of Year Subject Evaluation
-End of Term Subject Evaluation
-End of Term Overall Evaluation
-Overall Self-Evaluation including expected Grade outcome
-End of Lesson Evaluation
-Achievements and Goals
-Areas needing extra support
British Values -PSHE Unit of Work (KS2/KS3)
This is a large resource pack. Includes over 20 printables, these can be used for individual PSHE lessons on British Values, Democracy, Rights and Rules.
Ideal for for Upper KS2/Lower KS3.
Resource Title
British Values (PSHE focused Unit of Work)
Age/Year Group
Key Stage 2 / Key Stage 3
Total Pages in download
❤ 36
File Type
Resource Content
Maintained schools have obligations under section 78 of the Education Act (2002) which requires schools, as part of a broad and balanced curriculum, to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and
physical development of pupils at the school and of society, this now included British Values.
Pupils must be encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect
and tolerance.
It is expected that pupils should understand that while different people may hold different
views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in the United Kingdom are subject to its law.
The school’s ethos and teaching, which schools should make parents aware of, should
support the rule of English civil and criminal law and schools should not teach anything
that undermines it.
Pack includes:
❂ Literacy Activities
❂ Geography Activities
❂ History Activities
❂ Tons of printables
❂ Beautifully illustrated class posters in colour
Check the preview!
Reviews and feedback are appreciated, I value all but as we tell our students, try to be constructive!
@ pollypuddleduck@gmail.com
Printing Tip: This educational resource has been designed for printing on A4 size paper. If you are printing on a different size, select ‘shrink’ or ‘print to fit page’ (or similar option) in order for the contents to fit correctly.
Purchase of this resource entitles YOU, the buyer, the right to reproduce the pages for personal and classroom use ONLY.
Duplication for other classes, an entire school or for commercial use is strictly prohibited without written permission from Polly Puddleduck. Minor editing is allowed but only for personal use.
The document remains under the copyright of Polly Puddleduck even when edited. Posting this item in whole or part on the Internet in any form is strictly prohibited and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
Polly Puddleduck ©2016
Project Based Task Cards (KS3/KS4/KS5)
Resource Title
Project Based Task Cards
Age/Year Group
Total Pages in download
❤ 42
File Type
Resource Content
Employers are demanding graduates with excellent communication (written, oral, and listening) skills. Thus, a student’s presentation in the classroom becomes an important element in delivering positive learning experiences.
Included in this download are 80 specific set Task Cards to encourage Project-Based Learning. Projects must be presented to the class over a duration of 5-10 minutes. Students can decide how they want to present their project/topic.
Students should be encouraged to complete at least 2 presentations a month.
Perfect for Literacy TLS Assessments
This resource is ideal for KS3/KS4/KS5.
Resource includes topics related to-
❂ PSHE ( The effects of Smoking, Bullying and British Values)
❂ History (important people past and present)
❂ Arts (famous people of the arts)
❂ Health (healthy eating)
❂ Science (euthanasia)
❂ Geography (tsunamis and volcanic eruptions)
There are tons of ideas, this can be used year after year! Just laminate for long-term durability!
Check the preview!
Reviews and feedback are appreciated, I value all but as we tell our students, try to be constructive!
@ pollypuddleduck@gmail.com
Printing Tip: This educational resource has been designed for printing on A4 size paper. If you are printing on a different size, select ‘shrink’ or ‘print to fit page’ (or similar option) in order for the contents to fit correctly.
Purchase of this resource entitles YOU, the buyer, the right to reproduce the pages for personal and classroom use ONLY.
Duplication for other classes, an entire school or for commercial use is strictly prohibited without written permission from Polly Puddleduck. Minor editing is allowed but only for personal use.
The document remains under the copyright of Polly Puddleduck even when edited. Posting this item in whole or part on the Internet in any form is strictly prohibited and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
Polly Puddleduck ©2016
Anti-Bullying Pack (All Year Round Unit of Work - KS1/KS2)
Resource Title
Anti-Bullying Pack
Age/Year Group
Key Stage 1 and Lower Key Stage 2
Total Pages in download
❤ 52
File Type
Resource Content
❂ Anti-Bullying Tasks and Scenarios
❂ Over 20 Worksheets
❂ Kindness Task Cards
❂ Real Life Photos showing acts of kindness from people
Check the preview!
Reviews and feedback are appreciated, I value all but as we tell our students, try to be constructive!
@ pollypuddleduck@gmail.com
Printing Tip: This educational resource has been designed for printing on A4 size paper. If you are printing on a different size, select ‘shrink’ or ‘print to fit page’ (or similar option) in order for the contents to fit correctly.
Purchase of this resource entitles YOU, the buyer, the right to reproduce the pages for personal and classroom use ONLY.
Duplication for other classes, an entire school or for commercial use is strictly prohibited without written permission from Polly Puddleduck. Minor editing is allowed but only for personal use.
The document remains under the copyright of Polly Puddleduck even when edited. Posting this item in whole or part on the Internet in any form is strictly prohibited and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
Polly Puddleduck ©2017
Should you require additional Anti Bullying posters - they are available from my shop!
The Ugly Duckling Unit of Work (EYFS/KS1)
This Unit of Work covers various areas of the curriculum such as Literacy, Maths and PSHE.
Included in this 62 page pack-
One complete Ugly Duckling Resource Reading Book
Over 15 differentiated worksheets and printables. These differentiated worksheets are perfect for emergent readers and writers.
The pack also includes several phoneme awareness printables and a set of vocabulary word cards. These can be used for storyboards and/or word walls.
Pack also contains 15 discussion circle time task cards. These are perfect for speaking and listening and can be used in conjunction with your PSHE curriculum on Friendship, Bullying and British Values.
Worksheets and printables include but not limited to-
-Picture Story
-Retell the Story
-Self-Reflection and Feelings
-Addition and Subtraction
*Also includes characters and scenery for storyboards*
I can guarantee your students will adore this pack! Check out the preview!
Growth Mindset Display Pack
Includes over 25 Posters for Display and/or discussion purposes for KS2/KS3/KS4
These posters can be used as part of Speaking and Listening and/or Discussion exercises and/or can be display around school halls to motivate students and encourage them to have a growth mindset rather than a fixed one.
Check out the preview!
For other Growth Mindset resources, check out the links below!
A Presentation on Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset Question Cards and InfoGraphics
Attendance and Punctuality Posters
5 high quality, beautifully illustrated Attendance and Punctuality Posters for Display.
The Refugee Crisis Activity Pack (KS2/KS3)
Refugee Week is coming up at the end of June. This is a great mini starter pack. Discuss the real life crisis that is going on in our world today, discuss British Values and the effect of global migration and more.
Get your students talking, sharing opinions and listening to each other!
Resource Title
The Refugee Crisis Activity Pack
Age/Year Group
Total Pages in download
❤ 25
File Type
Resource Content
❂ 20 Task Cards for Classroom Projects/Presentations and/or Homework
❂ 8 Pictures showing real life refugees / conditions in camps.
❂ 5 Worksheets to follow up (write a letter back home, a diary entry and more)
Check the preview!
Reviews and feedback are appreciated, I value all but as we tell our students, try to be constructive!
@ pollypuddleduck@gmail.com
Printing Tip: This educational resource has been designed for printing on A4 size paper. If you are printing on a different size, select ‘shrink’ or ‘print to fit page’ (or similar option) in order for the contents to fit correctly.
Purchase of this resource entitles YOU, the buyer, the right to reproduce the pages for personal and classroom use ONLY.
Duplication for other classes, an entire school or for commercial use is strictly prohibited without written permission from Polly Puddleduck. Minor editing is allowed but only for personal use.
The document remains under the copyright of Polly Puddleduck even when edited. Posting this item in whole or part on the Internet in any form is strictly prohibited and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
Polly Puddleduck ©2016
Internet Safety Posters
Part of PSHE is ensuring the safety of our students not only in school but outside of school.
Display these posters to remind students of the importance of surfing safely.
British Values- Respect and Responsibility (Unit of Work KS2/3)
This pack will help students to develop a positive sense of themselves and others, form positive relationships and develop respect for others.
The 43 page pack discusses characteristics and what makes a good citizen. This can be used in conjunction with the unit British Values.
Included are several individual writing tasks focusing on areas such as Respect, Responsibility, Tolerance and Compassion.
Also included are group/partner tasks.
The pack also includes one full set of real life pictures showing different characters in different situations.
ALSO included- One full set of display flashcards!
Check out the preview!
An extensive pack-one that you and your students will love!
Happiness and Well-Being (PSHE Unit of Work- KS3)
This is the KS3 version of my Happiness and Well-Being Resource Pack
Students need to be able to thrive and grow into mature, responsible and stable adults.
They need to be taught to believe in themselves and in life itself.
Download this Resource Pack today to teach students about ‘The Pursuit of Happiness’ and how they can achieve their goals.
Covers different areas of learning such as;
-Resilient Thinking
-Energy and Emotions
-Goals and Achievements
-Strengths and Weaknesses
-Happiness and how to achieve it
This is an EXTENSIVE pack (whole unit).
Includes over 80 pages
-One presentation
-Over 20 worksheets
-Task cards and writing prompts
-Writing Templates
-Literacy Templates (these can also used for CLL and PSHE)
Download includes (2 resource packs- 1 presentation and 1 set of worksheets /printables)
You can find the KS1/KS2 pack below by clicking on the following link.
January Homework Pack for KS1
Resource Title
January Homework Pack
Age/Year Group
Key Stage 1
Total Pages in download
❤ 24
File Type
Resource Content
❂ This will make your life a little easier! This pack includes 20 NO PREP homeworks.
❂ The pack is cross curricular. You can choose which homeworks you want to give or you can send the entire pack for the month and have children work through it at their own pace.
Check the preview!
Reviews and feedback are appreciated, I value all but as we tell our students, try to be constructive!
@ pollypuddleduck@gmail.com
Printing Tip: This educational resource has been designed for printing on A4 size paper. If you are printing on a different size, select ‘shrink’ or ‘print to fit page’ (or similar option) in order for the contents to fit correctly.
Purchase of this resource entitles YOU, the buyer, the right to reproduce the pages for personal and classroom use ONLY.
Duplication for other classes, an entire school or for commercial use is strictly prohibited without written permission from Polly Puddleduck. Minor editing is allowed but only for personal use.
The document remains under the copyright of Polly Puddleduck even when edited. Posting this item in whole or part on the Internet in any form is strictly prohibited and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
Polly Puddleduck ©2017
What's your learning style?
Have you ever asked your students what type of learners they are?
This lesson is great for PSHE and for getting to know your students better.
You may think you know what kind of learners you have but perhaps they feel different!
This pack includes posters explaining the different types of learning styles. Ideal to get the discussion going!
We are all Unique - PSHE Presentation
This presentation can be used as part of a PSHE lesson, tutor time and/or for assemblies.
The presentation focuses on our differences, similarities and our feelings.
Ideal for EYFS/KS1
Making Friends - Lucy and Gemma (EYFS/KS1)
Tackle bullying before it starts with this little PSHE pack.
It covers the story of Gemma and Lucy and both wanting friendship. Ideal for Circle Time.
The pack has been put together to encourage speaking and listening during a PSHE lesson.
21 Slides in total. Can be used for display areas and/or used further in Literacy Lessons.
Bundle Sale
Games and Quizzes - End of Year Bundle
A collection of Games and Quizzes for End of Year. Includes my best selling Transition Day Fun Pack.
See each individual resource for information.
Difficulty levels vary on quizzes.
Bundle Sale
End of Year Bundle
Massive End of Year Bundle! Includes Quizzes, Certificates, Memory Books and more!
Please see each individual resource for more information!
Save over 35% on this bundle today!
Quiz - Would you Rather? (Back to School, Transition or End of Year fun quiz!)
Students of all ages will love this fun quiz!
This can be used as a Back to School icebreaker, an activity to get students talking during transition days and/or for End of Year fun!
Ideal for KS1/KS2/KS3. KS4 students will still get a giggle out of this resource and it could make for some hilarious debates!
Grab this resource today for a bargain price of only £2.50
Back to School Banners
Hey! It's that time of year again...
Grab this freebie and save yourself some time!
5 designs, different fonts and 'kind of' ink friendly ;)
Be sure and only print the page you need.
Each banner is the length of 3-4 A4 pages :)
Merry Christmas to all!
Merry Christmas!
Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
My shop will have a sale Christmas Eve AND Christmas Day for anyone who wants to grab a Christmas bargain!
Be sure to check out my January Writing Pack - perfect for that first week back. No prep needed!
If you are looking for something a little different, my New Year Activity Pack is great for going over those New Year resolutions!